M7 "SERVATOR" project aims at creating a suitable aircraft for civil defense (the latin name servator means rescuer, liberator, protector, observer) which is down-market and, at the same time, more efficient than other crafts in services like:

1.Air surveillance for fire prevention
2. Coast air surveillance
3. Air surveillance for unauthorized garbage dumps, landslip etc.
4.Search of lost objects on the territory
5.Police force criminal pursuit, also in cooperation with land force
6. Aerophotogrammetry
7.Air monitoring of the atmospheric composition above built-up areas and garbage dumps and solid waste stocking
8.Air ambulance (with litter in place of the seat)

We said down-market: especially in the "advanced micro light" version, you can conciliate the low cost of the aircraft and of its maintenance with the easy management and low cost of VDS (Volo da Diporto Sportivo, sport and recreational flight associations) pilots: they are not General Aviation professionals, they can also be volunteers, they are a lot and very willing. The same services could be carried out by helicopters or by General Aviation aircrafts, but at a higher cost; by other microlight aircrafts, but these cannot be competitive if compared to the SERVATOR as far as visibility (fundamental requirement for air observation) is concerned; not to mention the excellent flight comfort, thanks to the side-by-side disposition of the occupants and to the transparent cabin, from which to easily look ahead, up, down, sidelong, and top-to-tail direction (engine located behind the wing). Wings level flying, it allows the highest visibility on the market. Flight comfort is ensured by the small wings, that grant easy and long flights also in unfavourable weather conditions. These same visibility and flight comfort features make the SERVATOR suitable for training purposes and for VDS use.

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